Search Engine Optimization

Effective Digital Marketing Analytics

Gaining a competitive advantage in the internet marketplace might be difficult. It's no longer enough to simply "show up" with a website. To actually successful, you must be executing a digital marketing strategy at a high level. In order to create any modern digital marketing campaign, you must first understand how your clients use your website. Having a robust analytics solution. will allow you to gain valuable information about your online visitors, which you can use to make informed decisions about how to improve the performance of your website. Our web analytics packages offer a simple approach to study your website's visitors' behaviour, gain insight into its performance, and identify issue areas in order to increase conversions.

Data-Driven Marketing

To satisfy your objectives, our SEO experts will build basic or custom analytics. Our installations use data-driven marketing insights to help you reach your business goals by linking key performance indicators (KPIs).

Own Your Data

We generally use Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager, and we provide you with complete administrative access from the start. We don't hide behind an internal analytics system that hides the truth or skews the data. We provide you with raw data that you can trust and review at any moment.

Our staff delivers regular reports with extensive explanations, ensuring that your team is on the same page with regard to campaign performance.

All of our SEO services include with basic metrics.

Analytics Implementation

Google Analytics (GA)

  • Dashboards
  • Reporting
  • Ecommerce Tracking
  • Data Analysis

Google Tag Manager (GTM)

  • Tag Management
  • Event Tracking
  • Enhanced Performance
  • Added Flexibility

User Behavior Data

  • Live User Recordings
  • Heatmaps
  • Scroll Maps
  • User Feedback

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